שלום לכולם,
לצערי אילוצים שאינם תלויים בי מנעו ממני לכתוב פוסט השבוע.
פטור בלא כלום אי אפשר ולכן אני מצרף פוסט קצר שכתב אתמול סט גודין.
השורה התחתונה של סט: אל תהססו לפטר לקוחות שלא מביאים ערך.
The unreasonable customer
There are a few reasons to tolerate the customer who makes unreasonable demands:
You promised you would
She helps you raise your game
Her word of mouth is very powerful
The cost of frequently figuring out which customers to fire is too high compared to the cost of putting up with everyone
It’s probably worth firing a customer if:
He willfully corrupts your systems at a cost to other customers
Your employees are prevented from doing their best work in the long run
His word of mouth can’t be changed or doesn’t matter
He distracts you from delighting customers that are reasonable
In general, organizations are afraid to fire customers, no matter how unreasonable. This is a mistake. It’s good for you.
מיכאל גלי